A Comparative Life-Skills Research Compass on Life At Birth And Beyond

A NEW BOOK ALERT– SYNOPSIS- LIFE JOURNEY & REFLECTIONS– Thirties are BIRTH YEARS full of exuberance, merriment, future contemplation and indeed a measured risk-taking.
It’s arguably, a period that much could be experienced, achieved or lost.
Yet, you may be watching out for this book alert, titled- At Birth, in a storytelling authored by Asante Fordjour.
The book, AT BIRTH- A Comparative Life-Skills Research Compass on Life at Birth And Beyond, has some chapters like- ‘Life, Where Does it Begin? And the discussions on ‘The Woman, Abortion and the Law’.
On the Author’s favourite quotes and principles, he writes- Life Skills- ‘If you hold the master-plan of your own life to hand, you won’t be distracted- no matter the obstacles and the detours’- KAASFORDS ACADEMY.
Who, then, should use this book? The focus is on culture, traditions, beliefs, history and philosophy enthusiasts.
But in contemplation, are teeming students/people, who study and/or practice law, politics and not least, the health professional, exploring through the darkest of the woman’s womb, to our final destination- the grave and beyond.