....to JusticeGhana Group
JusticeGhana is a Non-Governmental [and-not-for- profit] Organization (NGO) with a strong belief in Justice, Security and Progress....” More Details
About SaGroup
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- Parent Category: The SitePathFinder
- Category: FAQ
- Created on Tuesday, 24 May 2011 10:19
- Hits: 218825
The SaGroup
The Samaritan Advisory Group (The SaGroup) was founded in 2009 by journalist and international criminal justice lawyer Asante Fordjour.

I have just been told about JusticeGhana and would like to discover more...
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- Parent Category: The SitePathFinder
- Category: FAQ
- Created on Monday, 07 July 2008 00:00
- Hits: 77538
About JusticeGhana Group
JusticeGhana Group is a Research, Information, Advisory & Advocacy focus. It has the following affiliates:
•The OmanbaPa Research Group
• The Samaritan Research Group
• The JusticeGhana Trust and
• The Samaritan Advisory Group (The SaGroup)
You are currently at JusticeGhana Trust Homepage.
Does JusticeGhana Trust offer legal and Media advice and information?
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- Parent Category: The SitePathFinder
- Category: FAQ
- Created on Wednesday, 11 October 2006 00:00
- Hits: 79720
Does JusticeGhana Trust offer legal and Media advice and information?
Partially, Yes.
We are not practicing solicitors but rather legal and media researchers, offering free and limited generic advice and information on International Law, International Human Rights, International Environmental Law and International Criminal Justice.
For research and advice on legal and media relations and publicity, you may contact The SaGroup.
Does JusticeGhana advertise for careers, jobs and volunteering opportunities?
- Details
- Parent Category: The SitePathFinder
- Category: FAQ
- Created on Wednesday, 11 October 2006 00:00
- Hits: 82058
Does JusticeGhana advertise for careers, jobs and volunteering opportunities?
Yes- we might advertise for job and volunteering positions in the future. If the need arises, the announcement would be made on this site!