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JusticeGhana is a Non-Governmental [and-not-for- profit] Organization (NGO) with a strong belief in Justice, Security and Progress....” More Details

Briefs & Memos

Display # 
Title Author Hits
Parliament of Ghana; Quo vadis? – Prof. Mike Oquaye Written by The OmanbaPa Research Group 4130
Justice delivery system has sunk to dangerously low levels - GBA Written by The OmanbaPa Research Group 3702
Mahama to swear in new ECOWAS judges Written by The OmanbaPa Research Group 5186
Woyome: Kufuor interfered with bidding process for CAN 2008 stadia construction Written by The Samaritan Research Group 5060
Nana Konadu confirms receipt of $4m judgement debt Written by The OmanbaPa Research Group 4953
Re MPs’ ‘Bribery’: I’ve The Evidence Written by The OmanbaPa Research Group 13573
The Pitfalls of Ghana Attorney-Generals Written by Admin 10781
The Role and Rules of Evidence 10120
Judges Must Declare Their Assets Periodically - Chief Justice 4425
Petition to the Supreme Court Panel 4814