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Ghana is on the Brink of Civil Uprising
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- Category: Features
- Created on Friday, 29 March 2013 00:00
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Ghana is on the Brink of Civil Uprising
Ghana, as I intuitionally conclude, is unknowingly comfortably, but very unfortunately, sitting on a Ticking Time Bomb. My intuitions have never failed me, much the same way as one Kofi Basoah's dreams have always come to pass exactly as revealed to him in the dreams.
I am really apprehensive of the doom gradually encapsulating my country Ghana owing to the Corrupt, Lawless, Incompetent, Mediocre and Bastardised (CLIMB) nature of those currently at the helm of her affairs.
Before I proceed any further, I will pause to ask my fellow Ghanaians irrespective of their political persuasions to spare a minute or a moment of their precious time, to cogitate about the essence of the underlying two quotations.
1. "In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his course succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot"------Mark Twain (American humorist, lecturer, essayist and author).
2. “Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph.” ---Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia.
How many Ghanaians can boldly come out to declare that they are not found wanting vis-à-vis the practical requirements and objectives of both quotations from those two renowned personalities?
It is about time Ghanaians buried their selfish individualistic aspirations bordering on senseless, irresponsible political partisanships to think about the collective interests of all. Most of my readers will be found guilty when put through a litmus test in context of both quotations.
However, Brother Martin Amidu, Hon. Kennedy Agyapong, DJ Sources, Peter Nana Antwi Boasiako, Rockson Adofo, Obaa Yaa, Abaawa Fabrics, Maa Akosua and Maame B. Sorkodie will surely pass any such test. They are fighting the rot in the society in their own way though limited, it may be.
The daily insanity in display by some NDC sycophants who are very well described by former President Jerry John Rawlings as "Greedy bastards, Babies with sharp teeth and Old Evil dwarfs" does not augur well for the socio-politico-economic emancipation of Ghana. These NDC people in the face of utter corruption in perpetration and perpetuation by the peerlessly clueless Caretaker-President John Mahama and his government, still have the shameless audacity to come on air to defend such obscenely act among many others.
The NDC government through the Savannah Accelerated Development Authority (SADA) has dished out GHC15 Million to a privately-owned-and-managed Asongtaba Cottage Industry situated at Sumbrungu, three kilometres from Bolgatanga in the Upper East Region to undertake Guinea Fowl project. As we speak, they have spent all the money but have only a total of six hundred (600) live birds plus twenty (20) eggs, two old double-door-fridge-size incubators, a funny structure on a 200 x 300 feet piece of land to justify that horrendous capital outlay. What nonsense is this?
What are John Mahama and his government telling me? Are they that incomparably idiots and do they take all Ghanaians for imbeciles? Yet, we have some NDC activists residing overseas, people like one Frank, Sly and Oboshie Trantram in London, always on air defending such obnoxious acts by their ignoble President and aimless NDC government.
Where then are the values of our once extrovert security agents? They have now been reduced to introverts, taciturnly minding their own P & Qs. Have they also been bought over by the government with part of the kickbacks she took from the dubiously dished out judgment debt payments?
Nevertheless, it will not take long for something deadly to happen if the rogues in government continue to disrespect the mandate to govern, as dubiously bestowed on them, by a comparatively corrupt midget in the person of Dr Kwadwo Afari Gyan.
With all the hardships of scarcity of water, electricity, lack of medicine and other essential disposable accessories in our hospitals, financial constraints confronting Ghanaians, the callous NDC government is still neck-deep, involved in, and practising, gargantuan corruption as though tomorrow never comes.
Every now and then you hear of NDC government appointees SQUANDERING money as if they were a python swallowing its prey. For how long are we as Ghanaians going to sit back, twirling our fingers, watching, without reacting? Should we continue to allow the NDC rogues to take the entire nation for a ride? NO!
What do we do then? Had we better go the French way - the French Revolution of 1789 where the reprehensible abuses of power by the Feudal Lords were addressed confrontationally fatally by the commoners, thus, the oppressed?
It is long overdue the time we rose up to confront the roguishness, bastardisation and corruption in perpetration by the NDC government and party. I can see civil uprising taking place should the NDC continue in the same myopic, corruption-inundated and intimidating way of governance. When that day comes, you will all remember me for though warning against it, nobody heeded me.
President Mahama and his government just get carried away by the usual nonsensical propaganda masterminded by the lawless NDC foot soldiers, sycophants and some of his own appointees. Mahama wants to hear the truth and here I am, telling him the absolute truth. He can take it. He can ignore it. And he ignores it at his own peril.
Ghana is sitting dangerously on the edge of a bottomless abyss. With a little civil unrest, the country will be thrown down that dark abyss to recover no more. Had I known is always at last.
Lest I forget, Justice Kpegah should come out of his lair to stop Alfred Agbesi Woyome from bolting into the United States of America with that huge money he has defrauded Ghana of. Here is where his services are most needed but not fooling around as he has lately been conducting himself. He claims people have been sending him death threat messages.
Who in his right mind would want to kill this senile old man who is frustrated to the point of dying because of being engulfed in rent arrears and utility bills? It is only his own NDC crooks that may kill him to make a political point for going on rampage.
It is about time we cut the NDC to size. This is a clarion call to rally all wise Ghanaians to shed their "never mind, give it to God, Providence shall take care of" attitudes, to put on their armour of discernment to resist the oppressor's rule. For how long are we going to perch on the fence while the NDC hold us to ransom?
A word to the wise is enough.
Source: By Rockson Adofo