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Three Ghanaian medical students in jail for robbing in Cuba


Photo ReportingThree Ghanaian medical students in jail for robbing in Cuba

08 April 2014

Three Ghanaian medical students studying in Cuba on Government of Ghana scholarship have been arrested for allegedly robbing a hotel.



The three, all male, are said to be children of some high level public officials including a deputy minister of state.

The Foreign Affairs Ministry has also confirmed the arrest to Joy News.

There have been recurring incidences of students on scholarship abroad sending SOS to complain about government’s failure to pay their allowances.

Out of frustration some students were compelled to go into robbery, one of the distressed callers who does not want to be named, told Joy News' Michaela Anderson.

“They have been jailed for about two months now,” he claimed.

He said the situation is having serious effect on the education of about 350 medical students in Cuba.

Another distraught student told Joy News the government has for seven consecutive months defaulted in giving them $250 monthly subvention.

This has been compounded by the rising cost of living in Cuba, he noted.

He remarked, “withholding [the monthly subvention] is killing us”.

They are unable to buy food, cloth, and undertake their research works among other important needs, the students narrated their ordeal as they made clarion calls on the government to “stick to it words” no matter how small the amount they have been promised.

Source: Myjoyonline.com | Isaac Essel



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