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Schools Run Out Of Chalk


Photo ReportingSchools Run Out Of Chalk

25 March 2014

There is shortage of chalks and other stationery in some schools in the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis of the Western Region.



Some head teachers in the twin-city told The Finder that the shortage had affected teaching and learning, with 11 weeks into the second term.

The head teachers, who pleaded for anonymity, said they sometimes had to use their personal resources to purchase chalks; some relied on Parent-Teacher-Association dues.

Mr Franklin Dzigbede, the Metropolitan Director of Education, confirmed the shortage and indicated that the situation had been created because of delays in logistical supply by the Ghana Education Service (GES) to the Metropolitan Education Logistical Directorate.

He explained that the Directorate had not received supplies this term, thus the shortage in chalks, teachers’ note books, text books and other stationery.

However, he indicated that head teachers should use part of the previous term’s Capitation Grant to deal with the situation.

Asked whether the schools had received this term’s Capitation Grant, Mr Dzigbede said no, and indicated that the schools receive the Capitation Grant as and when the Ghana Education Trust Fund (GETFUND) releases them.

He told teachers and heads of schools to bear with the GES and work within their reach to keep the schools running.

Interestingly, checks conducted by The Finder reveal that the Capitation Grant, which the director has proposed for heads to use to purchase the chalk, has also not been made available by government.

Source: The Finder



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