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Massive ‘Chop Chop’ @ Korle-Bu!...Board Chairman Fingered!

health news

Photo ReportingMassive ‘Chop Chop’ @ Korle-Bu!...Board Chairman Fingered!

27 January 2014

The Ministry of Health has taken serious issues with the Board Chairman of the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital over the decision to appoint a Board member into an executive position at the hospital, and to pile upon him huge sums of monies and mouthwatering conditions of service.


However, in an interesting twist, the Board Chairman, Mr. Eddie Annan, has treated the concerns of the Ministry of Health with absolute contempt.

This newspaper can state that the Board Chair has named the Board member, Godfred Ahianyo, to head a three-member special audit committee of the Board, and as his conditions of service is taking home a full salary (GH¢2,498.16), a duty post vehicle, duty post accommodation, market premium (GH¢2,540.50), monthly credit allowance of GH¢60.00, responsibility allowance (GH¢1,270.25), entertainment allowance GH¢508.10) and others.

Documents cited by the Daily Searchlight reveal that after full computation of his salary and allowances, Mr. Ahianyo, for December 2013, took home a whopping GH¢7,341.02 as net salary. His gross (before taxes) was GH¢9,352.17!

Incredibly, the Board Chairman has approved these conditions when his sector Ministry is dead opposed to them. Earlier, reacting to these incredible benefits, the Chief Director of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Sylvester Anemana, wrote in a letter dated 24th December 2012, “Your letter reference Number KB/G-486 dated November, 2012, appointing Mr. Godfred Ahianyo a member of the Hospital’s Board, as Chairman of the Board’s three-member committee to audit various processes at the Directorates and sub-BMCs of the Hospital is a clear case of conflict of interest. Every Board/Council has approved allowances for the Board Members and sub-committee work. This is what Mr. Ahianyo should be entitled to. But what you provided in your letter is equivalent to emoluments of a permanent employee…

“Besides being a conflict of interest, were the services of Mr. Ahianyo engaged in accordance with the Public Procurement Act, Act 633? Why should the appointment be indefinite, if it simply entails audit of processes? Why should conditions of service that go with a permanent appointment, such as duty post accommodation, go with such an appointment?”

The letter was directed at the Board Chairman, who, in direct contempt for this letter, has even gone ahead to grant Mr. Ahianyo even more enhanced conditions of service.

Source: The Daily Searchlight



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