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Energy Ministry: GNPC Drill Ship Was Sold Under NPP


Emmanuel Buah, Minister of Energy and PetroleumEnergy Ministry: GNPC Drill Ship Was Sold Under NPP

13 September 2013

The Ministry of Energy and Petroleum (MOEP), has stated that the Drill Ship belonging to the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC), was sold during the administration of the New Patriotic Party (NPP).


The Discoverer 511 was sold to pay a judgement debt to Societe Generale as ordered by a High Court in London, United Kingdom.

A statements issued yesterday by the Head of Communication, Edward Bawa, said “The Ministry of Energy and Petroleum whishes to state categorically that this deal took place on July 17, 2001, during the administration of the New Patriotic Party.

It further assured that the ministry would fully co-operate with the Judgement Debt Commission to unravel the mystery surrounding the transaction.

The statement was in reaction to The Ghanaian Times yesterday’s front page story captioned “GNPC Ship Sold – To Pay Judgement Debt.”

The publication emanated from the proceedings of the judgement Debt Commission where it emerged that the drill ship was sold by the Ministry of Energy at 24 million United State dollars to defray a judgement debt of 19.5 million dollars to Societe Generale without the knowledge or involvement of GNPC.

According to the ministry’s statement, the reportage “has generated some level of confusion in the media as to the period this alleged transaction occurred, how much was involved and who authorized it,” hence the need for the ministry to set the record straight.

He said that as to what might have precipitated the case at the UK court; the amount realized from the sale of the drill ship, Discoverer 511 and the period it was sold “are subject of investigation but the Commission of Inquiry into payment from public funds arising from the judgment debts.”

The ministry has, therefore, reassured the public that it would at all times endeavor to be transparent and accountable to the citizenry.

Meanwhile, a former Deputy Energy Minister under the erstwhile New Patriotic Party (NPP) Government, Mr. K.T. Hammond has disclosed that all documentations covering the sale of the Discoveries 511 (Drill Ship) belonging to GNPC is at the Ministry of Energy.

“All the sales documents covering the sale of the drill ship are at the Chief Director’s office and they must search for it,” he said in an interview with Joy Fm, an Accra based radio station.

According to him, he would be prepared and ready to furnish the Judgment Debt Commission with the necessary information and documentations if he is called by the Commission.

Mr. Hammond expressed shock at the lack of knowledge about the sale from officials of the GNPC and the Bank of Ghana when they appeared before the Commission and urged that thorough investigations be done before such statements are released to the public.

According to him, when the sale of the drill ship was done in 2001, a press conference was held in Accra to inform Ghanaians about the deal and was surprise at how such a matter could become an issue today.

Source: The Ghanaian Times



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