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Reasons For Verdict Not Available Yet


Photo Reporting: Reasons For Verdict Not Available YetReasons For Verdict Not Available Yet

30 August 2013

Checks at the Registry of the Supreme Court for the reasons behind the verdict of the court delivered yesterday indicate that the reasons are not available as yet.



This is contrary of the assertion by the president of the nine-member panel that heard the petition, Justice Atuguba that the reasons behind the verdict have been handed over to the Registrar of the Supreme Court.

Justice Atuguba, following his reading of the terse verdict yesterday stated in open court that the individual reasons of the judges behind the verdict delivered by the court have been handed to the Registrar of the court.

Snippets of information available to the Ghanaian Observer (GO) as regards when the reasons will be available have it that the reasons may be available on Monday.

The situation has resulted in many wondering what may have resulted in the status quo. For some observers, the reasons or judgments of each of the nine judges of the Supreme Court from the bases such that they ought to have been readily available to enable any party to the petition or interest person obtain a copy for perusal.

Already skeptics are giving their own interpretations to the situation, particularly against the backdrop that the court had the parties and the entire nation waiting for close to four hours yesterday before delivering its verdict.

Judicial sources told the GO that even though the situation is not ideal, it is a regular occurrence in our courts and may be purely administrative rather than judicial.

Source: The Ghana Observer



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