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Yahya Jammeh Is A Crazy Guy; He's A Disaster Of A Prez...Beware Of Him - Kweku Baako


Photo ReportingYahya Jammeh Is A Crazy Guy; He's A Disaster Of A Prez...Beware Of Him - Kweku Baako

31 July 2013

Editor-In-Chief of the New Crusading Guide newspaper, Abdul Malik Kweku Baako has asked her ladyship Mrs. Justice Mabel Maame Agyemang ‘to be tough’ in administering her duties as the Chief Justice of the Republic of Gambia.



According to him, if she does not stand her grounds, she will be manipulated by the President of the country, Yahya Abdul-Aziz Jemus Junkung Jammeh.

The Gambian presidency announced that President Yahya Jammeh, acting under the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic and in consultation with the Judicial Service Commission, has decided to remove Justice Wowo from his appointment.

Justice Wowo, according to the presidency, is now replaced by Justice Mabel Yamoa Agyemeng.

Justice Agyemang, a Ghanaian, will be sworn in as Gambia’s Chief Justice on Thursday, August 1 and looking at the style of leadership of President Jammeh, Kweku Baako has advised her to be firm and insist that no one interferes with her work.

“The only thing is that Gambia’s President is a crazy guy. I will be honest; I don’t like him one bit. I detest his politics and I just pray for this lady. That man has no scruples and he will try as much as possible to interfere in the administration of justice and all sorts of things and so you (Justice Agyemang) have to be tough to be able to preside over the Judicial System in Gambia. His human rights record is appalling. He’s a disaster of a president and yet he is sitting there as a president. I just don’t want to hear his name…” he told Kwami Sefa-Kayi during Kokrokoo on Wednesday.

He however congratulated her ladyship for attaining that height especially as a woman.

"I am quite impressed especially she being a woman…it shows our skills and expertise; the fact that we have a human resource of a high quality across the international civil service…Kofi Annan is a big example…it is good. As much as possible, we are contributing to the international culture. I am so impressed.”

A Ghanaian national, Justice Agyemeng is an expert Appeal Court judge from the Commonwealth Secretariat.

Since she was called to the Ghanaian Bar in 1987 and the Ghanaian Bench soon after, she has served in the judiciaries of the governments of Ghana, The Gambia and Swaziland.

She began working for the Commonwealth Secretariat in 2004, first being sent to The Gambia where she spent four years as a High Court judge, and then to Swaziland in a similar capacity.

She was appointed to the High Court of Swaziland in October 2008 for a two-year assignment to help strengthen the judiciary and deliver fast, expert judgments on cases. Her previous assignment, to The Gambia from September 2004 to 2008, saw her sitting as a High Court judge.

Here she was so successful that the Justice Ministry asked her to serve for an additional year in the country’s Court of Appeal.

However, she declined the offer in favour of an assignment in Swaziland, so that she could further broaden her experience. According to records, Justice Mabel Agyemang, who served in the land and civil division, Commercial division and Criminal division completed about 365 files during her four-year tenure in The Gambia as a High Court judge.

Prior to her appointment as Chief Justice of The Gambia, Justice Agyemang was serving as a member of the Gambia Court of Appeal.

Source: Rebecca Addo Tetteh/Peacefmonline.com



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