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Tony Aidoo insults Judges


Photo Reporting: Tony Aidoo insults JudgesTony Aidoo insults Judges

22 May 2013

Head of Policy Monitoring and Evaluation at the Presidency, Dr. Tony Aidoo, says since the inception of the fourth Republic, every facet of society has systematically degenerated adding that Judges in the country are “rotten people”.



Speaking to Radio Gold in an interview, Tony Aidoo expressed disappointment in the leaders and citizenry, saying due to the free culture of democracy, respect for the laws of the land has dramatically taken a downward slope.

He bemoaned the state of the economy, labeling the country as “rotten” and full of “lawless people”.

He said the rot in the country has also affected the Supreme Court; “even Judges to whom we look for protection of our rights are rotten people.”

He expressed his distaste over the state of the nation, stressing that “this country is rotten to the core. This country is a country of lawless people, people who do not respect the law...and we see that, within the Supreme Court, the rot is very eminent.”

He questioned the kind of democracy practised in Ghana when in the face of enjoying the freedom and rights existing in the light of democracy, people tend to blatantly disrespect the law.

“If you live in a society like this, you begin to question the value of democracy itself. Is democracy meant to facilitate our free choice of leaders, freedom of speech and of association or is it meant to be a license for lawless behavior,” he added.

This, he stated, proves “there’s too much rot in the system. People are eager to come to power either by hook or by crook, and it’s not simply NPP v NDC politics.

“It is something that deals with the very foundation of this society…Like a fish, the rot started from the head right at the inception of the fourth Republic with the politicians, with our academic elite, with economic elite and with our religious setting. We are all rotten.”

To him, it is about time Ghana “took stock of the direction in which we want our nation building to go.”

Source: Peacefmonline.com



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