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Arrest Kwabena Duffuor, Betty Mould And Barton Oduro


Photo Reporting: From Left- Dr Kwabena Duffuor, Betty-Mould Iddrisu (Mrs) & Ebo Barton-OduroArrest Kwabena Duffuor, Betty Mould And Barton Oduro

19 June 2013

A leading member of the Progressive People’s Party (PPP) wants Member of Parliament for Cape Coast North and First Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Hon. Barton-Odro; former Attorney-General, Betty-Mould Iddrisu and former Finance Minister, Dr Kwabena Duffour to be arrested by the National Security apparatus in the wake of the Supreme Court ruling in the Martin Amidu versus Waterville case.



According to Charles Owusu, in spite of the hardship that Ghanaians are plagued with, over €25m was given out to some expatriates for no work done with the help of these ministers of state at the expense of the people whose destiny was entrusted in their hands.

The PPP Communicator stressed that the Bureau of National Investigations (BNI) needs to pick up the afore-mentioned individuals for their role in the whole saga so that they can explain to Ghanaians what informed their decision to pay such an amount of money without due diligence.

“…this case should not end at just retrieving the monies…the individuals whose ineptitude made the nation lose this colossal amount of money should be punished,” he added.

He commended former A-G, Martin Amidu for steadfastly pursuing the case despite losing his position in the late President Mills’ administration and the insults he received from NDC members.

He described as shameful the attempt by some NDC members to associate with the achievement of the one man they rejected and denounced for opting to tell the truth in the judgment debt payment.

To him, if the justices of the Supreme Court who adjudicated on the Waterville case referred lawyers for Waterville to the General Legal Council for sanctions for not putting the interest of the nation first and rather backed Waterville to be wrongfully paid the judgement debt, then the ministers under whose watch this grave error was made must be arrest by BNI for questioning to find out their role in the whole saga.

Source: Daniel Adu Darko/Peacefmonline.com



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