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No complacency; Ghana's democracy can relapse- Lecturer warns


No complacency; Ghana's democracy can relapse- Lecturer warns

12 April 2013

A Political Science lecturer at the University of Ghana has warned Ghana may suffer a “democratic relapse” if the current “anarchic disorder” is not curtailed.


Rasford Gyampo described as “quite scary” the myriad of strikes at the labour front as well as threats of demonstrations in the country, a phenomenon he said had dire political implications on the country.

Doctors, teachers, pharmacists and judicial service workers have taken turns to go on strike following botched negotiations with the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission on the implementation of the Single Spine Salary Structure.

Not even the intervention of the Chief of Staff Prosper Bani and appeals by President John Mahama have calmed matters.

On Wednesday things went haywire with the government and the GMA engaging in war of words with the latter threatening to intensify its strike action by withdrawing its emergency services on Monday if their demands are not met by government.

The situation has been described by labour experts as chaotic and unfortunate.

Speaking to Joy News Ransford Gyampo insisted the needless strikes could cripple the economy and pave way for some adventurers to take over the country.

He said Ghana’s democracy is still fragile and could suffer a relapse if the ongoing struggles are not curtailed.

Gyampo cautioned Ghanaians not to be pushed into a “realm of complacency” and think coup d’états are things of the past.

He said if labour continues to make unreasonable demands from government and government also continues to fail to honour its promises to labour, the country may be taken over by people who have no business running the affairs of state.

He challenged the feuding parties to jealously guard the fragile democracy the country is enjoying.

Source:Nathan Gadugah/Myjoyonline.com



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