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President Donates Bull To Police


President Donates Bull To Police

18 March 2013

The acting Eastern Regional Police Commander ACP James Abass Abaa has expressed appreciation on behalf of police personel in the region to President John Dramani Mahama for exhibiting a personal concern for the welfare of the police in the region.



ACP Abass Abaa made the remarks when he received a bull donated by the President to be used for an annual get-together for the police popularly known as “wassa” at Koforidua.

The presentation of the bull was in recognition of the good works of the police during the December 7, 2012 election which was conducted peacefully in the region.

According to ACP Abass Abaa, the presentation of the bull by the President had clearly indicated his personal concern for the policemen and women in the region.

He therefore asked the police personnel to reciprocate the gesture by going the extra mile in the discharge of their duties.

“We are lucky to have a President who is personally committed to our welfare so it is our duty not to let him down by going the extra mile to apprehend criminals to make it possible for the people in the region to live in peace.

He thanked the President for his kind gesture and gave the assurance that the men and women under his command would live up to expectation.

Source: GNA



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