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Woyome Rich Again!!! Gets Back 'Assets'

law & justice

Photo Reporting: Alfred Agbesi WoyomeWoyome Rich Again!!! Gets Back 'Assets'

14 Feb 2013

Peacefmonline.com can confirm that businessman Alfred Agbesi Woyome’s account and financial assets that were frozen by the Fast Track High Court has been defrozen.



The Court of Appeal, by a unanimous decision, ordered that accounts belonging to the businessman be released to him.

The court, presided over by Mrs Henrietta Abban, however, also ruled that except the accounts held at the Agricultural Development Bank (which is still frozen because it is through which the 51 million cedis transaction was done), all other accounts belonging to Mr. Woyome must be returned.

His spokesperson, Kwame Tawiah, who confirmed the story on Peace FM's 6pm news bulletin, added that his boss had always considered the freezing of his accounts as unjustified and illegal and therefore very happy with the ruling since he can now do business.

“They (EOCO) felt they had the power and so they could freeze any financial asset but the appeal court proved them wrong. They (EOCO) didn’t have any evidence...for over 12 months it means that his company has been destroyed with its workers at the mercies of God and that was why the judge set aside the ruling as null and void…” he said.

The Fast Track High Court ordered the freezing of the accounts and financial assets of Mr. Woyome.

This was after it had granted a motion filed by the Economic and Organised Crime Office (EOCO), seeking to freeze the accounts of Mr. Woyome following allegations that he defrauded the state by false pretense in a controversial GH¢51.2 million judgment debt scandal that rocked the country early 2011.

But the Court of Appeal on Thursday nullified the decision by the fraud office.

Meanwhile, the substantive civil and criminal cases against businessman Alfreed Woyome are still pending at the High Court.

Source: Rebecca Addo-Tetteh/peacefmonline.com



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