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Politicians Must Respect Electorate-Kufuor


Former President John Agyekum KufuorPoliticians Must Respect Electorate-Kufuor

31 October 2012

Former President John Agyekum Kufuor has advised Ghanaian politicians to show respect to the electorates and humility to the public office they occupy.





He said it was important that anyone who wants to occupy public office, especially the presidency should possess these qualities.

“The president’s seat is a people’s seat. You don’t get it by birth, rather you need to convince majority of voters to put you there” he said.

The former President gave the admonition when Jacob Osei Yeboah, an Independent Presidential candidate, paid a courtesy call on him at his residence on Tuesday.

Mr. Kufuor urged politicians to see themselves as servants who must serve their people and better their standard of living.

He described Mr. Yeboah as a young politician who spoke with a lot humility and very candid.

Mr. Yeboah had earlier informed the former President that he was in his residence to announce his decision to contest for the presidential election and also tap into his experience.

He said as a former President and an elderly statesman, it was important that he calls on him occasionally and hold consultations on matters of mutual interest.

The former President thanked Mr. Yeboah for the acknowledgment and wished him well in his campaign.

Source: The Ghanaian Times



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