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Armed Forces to build capacity of regional troops towards election 2012


Lieutenant-General Peter Augustine Blay: the Chief of Defense StaffArmed Forces to build capacity of regional troops towards election 2012

05 October 2012

The Ghana Armed Forces are putting in place special arrangements to post more personnel to strengthen the capacity of its troops in the regions to help safeguard the 2012 general elections and make it peaceful.




Lieutenant-General Peter Augustine Blay, the Chief of Defense Staff, said this when he led a team of high ranking military officers to pay a courtesy call on the Upper West Regional Minister, Alhaji Amidu Sulemana, in Wa.

He said the visit was to afford them the opportunity to interact with the troops, identify their challenges and to see how best they could support them to function effectively.

The Chief of Defense Staff said he was impressed with the way Security Commanders in the region came together to receive him when he arrived and commended them for their great show of collaboration.

Lieutenant General Blay thanked the Regional Minister for the assistance he had been giving to the security agencies in the Region especially the Military.

Alhaji Sulemana said the Military were very important to the country, adding that the peace the country continued to enjoy was because of the sacrifices made by the various security agencies.

He said the Military had been very supportive of the police in maintaining law and order in the region.

Alhaji Sulemana said the country needed peace and the Military could best tell the story about the consequences of instability because of their exposure in peace keeping, adding that they should therefore ensure that no stone was left unturned as far as the security of the elections was concerned.

From: Ghana/GNA



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