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JusticeGhana is a Non-Governmental [and-not-for- profit] Organization (NGO) with a strong belief in Justice, Security and Progress....” More Details


Kwesi BineyNDC Justifies All-Die-Be-Die

I once wrote in this column and stated that anyone who walks in iniquity can only achieve vanity with its attendant public opprobrium. The world’s most serious criminals who had engaged in serial murders for very long periods of time had lived within the very societies they committed those crimes. They were so noble, or so they appeared, even among their peers.

Think Again

Jerry Rawlings development leadershipWhy was Jerry Rawlings different?

Jerry Rawlings development leadership

Africa has had a number of good leaders and growth stories in the years since independence. But it is had very few countries whose success spanned multiple leaders and which included a substantial increase in the institutionalization of politics, such that the country came to not depend on any particular leader.

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First vote: Friday, 09 March 2012
Last vote: Friday, 18 August 2023