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JusticeGhana is a Non-Governmental [and-not-for- profit] Organization (NGO) with a strong belief in Justice, Security and Progress....” More Details

JusticeGhana NewsArchives

Malian women demand voice in negotiations

Photo Reporting: Malian women demand voice in negotiationsMalian women demand voice in negotiations

NPP Goes to Supreme Court on Electoral Fraud?

Photo Reporting: NPP Goes to Supreme Court on Electoral Fraud?NPP Goes to Supreme Court on Electoral Fraud?

Incumbent wins Ghana's presidential election

Photo ReportingIncumbent wins Ghana's presidential election

Is EU not a worthy Nobel Peace Prize winner?

Is EU not a worthy Nobel Peace Prize winner?Is EU not a worthy Nobel Peace Prize winner?

A Referendum on Free SHS in Ghana

JusticeGhana@NPPFinalPoliticalRallyInAccraA Referendum on Free SHS in Ghana