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EU Delegation pays courtesy call on Minister for Gender, Children and Social protection


EU Delegation pays courtesy call on Minister for Gender, Children and Social protection  EU Delegation pays courtesy call on Minister for Gender, Children and Social protection

15 Feb 2013

Mr Claude Maerten, European Union (EU) Ambassador to Ghana has led an EU delegation to pay a courtesy call on Nana Oye Lithur, Minister for Gender, Children and Social Protection.



Speaking on behalf of the delegation, Mr Maerten congratulated the Minister for her new appointment and expressed the hope that she would be able to champion the cause of the vulnerable especially women and children.

He said the EU would provide support to the Ministry as it seeks to address the needs of the marginalized, rights of children and the abolishing of certain cultural practices such as the female genital mutilation.

He also urged the Minister to consider addressing the issue of gender based violence.

Nana Oye Lithur expressed her joy over the visit and promised to work with the EU to ensure that the core mandate of the Ministry which involves gender, children and social protection is realized.

She explained that the mandate of the Ministry has been broadened to cover the issue of gender which involves men, women, aged persons and persons with disability.

“The children department will also deal with the protection and maintenance of children and juvenile justice. The social protection department will coordinate all social protection interventions currently being undertaken by the government”, she added.

She promised to champion the cause of the vulnerable including the aged, children, women and men.

Nana Oye Lithur also promised to ensure that the practice of female genital mutilation is stopped.

She disclosed that Ghana would be participating in the 57th Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women Conference in New York, USA from 4 to 15 March 2013.

Nana Oye Lithur promised to use the platform to address the needs of the Ministry which involves ensuring gender equality through the mainstreaming of gender considerations, promoting the welfare and protection of children and empowering the vulnerable.

Source: GNA



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