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NPP’s John Kuma arrested


John KumaNPP’s John Kuma arrested

04 October 2012

A member of the New Patriotic Party’s Communication Team, John Kuma has been arrested by the police, over alleged bank fraud charges.




John Kuma who is also a leading member of the Young Patriots, a youth wing of the NPP, was said picked by the police on Wednesday night with another suspect whose identity is yet to be disclosed.

The NPP fire brand is said to have faked a National Investment Bank Bond Guarantee to secure a Japanese grant.

His lawyer, Gary Nimako Mensah has confirmed John Kuma’s arrest to Joy FM. He is currently at the Economic and Organised Crime Office (EOCO) in Accra.

He is however yet be questioned by the officers on his charges. No official charges have been preferred against him yet.

More soon.

Source: Joy News



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