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Parent Threatens To Sue WAEC For Withholding Ward’s Results


Photo ReportingParent Threatens To Sue WAEC For Withholding Ward’s Results

24 September 2013

A parent, whose ward had his entire Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) results withheld by the West African Examination Council (WAEC) has threatened to sue the council.


Last month, WAEC announced that it had withheld the results of over 2,000 candidates who sat for the May/June examination for various examination malpractices.

But speaking to Citi News, an angry parent, Philip Nii Asafuah threatened to take WAEC to court adding that WAEC is punishing his ward for its own negligence.

“I have decided that I will take the matter up to the court in order to actually get a proper interpretation of what the constitution says concerning issues like these because it doesn’t really make sense,” Mr. Asafuah said.

According to him, “it is so easy for anybody at all, any intellectual who probably finds himself in an institution like WAEC to be able to discern that what the council is doing is inappropriate.”

In his opinion, WAEC should have learnt from past mistakes and “avoided this kind of menace from happening once again.”

Source: Citifmonline.com



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