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JusticeGhana is a Non-Governmental [and-not-for- profit] Organization (NGO) with a strong belief in Justice, Security and Progress....” More Details

Blacks – Life is War!


Blacks – Life is War!

Anytime a black person is disrespected or maltreated for the color of his or her skin, many innocent people hurt. After all none of us chose the color of our skins or race.

Shame on KPMG


Photo ReportingShame on KPMG

From the onset of the cross examination of the 2nd Petitioner, in the Presidential Election Petition, by counsel for the 1st and 3rd Respondents, Tony Lithur and Tsatsu Tsikata respectively, it was clear that the mode of question was going to hinge on the reducing the numbers of the pink sheets in contention in the court.

Beware of tricksters in old schnapps bottles


Beware of tricksters in old schnapps bottles

Beware of tricksters in old schnapps bottles and old currencies (1)


The security system seems to be on the heels of confidence tricksters who use subtle means to dupe ‘willing gullible people’. If these strategies that seem to be succeeding are to persist then the days of the ‘crooks’ are numbered. Media reports reveal that some victims of the ‘sumptuous tricks’ have began spilling the beans on the modus operandi of the crooks. The exposures are enough ‘eye openers’ for the victims and perhaps all those who would be tempted by the ‘tricksters’ in future.

“Your Excellency” is killing us


“Your Excellency” is killing us

Unnecessary and unwarranted titles are destroying Ghana and we must realize and do something about this problem. The president is addressed as “Your excellency, the president”, the more sycophantic ones among us go to the extent of addressing him in everyday speech as “Your excellency, the president of the Republic of Ghana and commander-in-chief of the Ghana Armed Forces”. This servile posturing is not limited only to the president.

Tsikata’s Jail Anniversary Message Calls For More Questions


Ebo QuansahTsikata’s Jail Anniversary Message Calls For More Questions

Mr. Tsatsu Tsikata, lead Counsel for the National Democratic Congress in the ongoing election petition filed by three leading members of the New Patriotic Party, is certainly one of the most brilliant personalities of our generation. That is without question.