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JusticeGhana NewsArchives

NPP will not give vain promises to Ghanaians –Akufo-Addo


Nana Akufo-AddoNPP will not give vain promises to Ghanaians –Akufo-Addo

10 September 2012

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) on Sunday launched its Central Regional Campaign with a rally at Agona Swedru.




Prez Mahama Must Dissolve The Special Forces


Photo ReportingPrez Mahama Must Dissolve The Special Forces

09 September 2012

The Young Patriots (UK) together with Concerned Ghanaian residents in UK and the Defenders of Ghana Democracy UK and Ireland branch, have issued a joint statement calling on the President of Ghana Mr John Dramani Mahama to as a matter of urgency dissolve the Ghana Special Armed Forces set up by his immediate boss the late President John Evans Atta Mills.




Mahama’s Policy On Fire


Mahama’s Policy On Fire

Prez Mahama09 September 2012

The opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP) has torn into pieces President John Mahama’s recent policy statement in which he outlined a long list of things he would do to repair the economy of Ghana within the next three months.




Is Cletus Avoka, A Square Peg In A Round Hole?


Hon Cletus AvokaIs Cletus Avoka, A Square Peg In A Round Hole?

09 September 2012

How sloppy and ineffective can a servant of the people be? A representative of the people who is expected to represent and defend their aspirations and interests must always live above reproach, and his work must be exemplary.




Better Ghana Agenda is a spectacular failure - Akufo-Addo


Nana Akufo-AddoBetter Ghana Agenda is a spectacular failure - Akufo-Addo

08 September 2012

The flag bearer of the opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP), Nana Akufo-Addo has described the ruling National Democratic Congress’ “Better Ghana Agenda” as a “spectacular failure”.


